♥SNSD Girl's Generation♥

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

One Liter Of Tears(1リットルの涙)-->Aya Kitou based on a true story

TIS IS A SAD TRUE STORY:Aya Kitō (July 19, 1962 - May 23, 1988) was a 15-year-old Japanese girl who wrote a diary about her personal experiences while suffering from spinocerebellar ataxia. Her diary, entitled 1 Litre no Namida (1 Litre of Tears), was first published in her native Japan on February 25, 1986, more than two years before her death at the age of 25. It was later adapted into a film (2004) and then later into a television drama series (2005).

"...People shouldn’t dwell on the past. It's enough to try your best in all that you're doing now. Reality is too cruel, too brutal..." - Aya Kitō Ikeuchi

At some point in our life we will encounter something that we can't ever imagine happening to us. At some point in that event there are times when we would just like to die and surrender because of the pain and suffering that we are felling. Aya Kitō, the person being portrayed in 1 Liter of Tears (1 Litre no Namida, Ichi Rittoru no Namida, A Diary with Tears or A Diary of Tears) is a 15-year old Japanese girl diagnosed with a disease called spinocerebellar Degeneration. The disease causes the person to lose control over their body,the person could oso have the difficulties in speaking,writings and even balanced himself/herself, but because the person can retain all mental ability the disease acts as a prison. Aya discovers this disastrous news as the disease has already developed. There is no cure.

How would you feel if you are this person who had been a very active student not only in academics but also in sports? What will you do if one day you can no longer do the things you love to do and you will be the talk f everyone?As a parent, how would you react seeing your child suffering from such a pain? What will you do if you will find out that he/she can die anytime? How will you maintain the family amidst all that is happening?
Her diary was published shortly before her death.The diary, a true story based on her own life, was originally written in first person.As she notes in one entry, "I write because writing is evidence that I am still alive."

Through family, medical examinations and rehabilitations, and finally succumbing to the disease, Aya must cope with the disease and live on with life until her death at the age of 25. She was born July 19, 1962 and died May 23, 1988.

Here is an excerpt from Aya's Diary:

If I were a flower, then now I would be a bud.I shall treasure the beginning of my youth without any regrets.This disease, why did it choose me?Fate. It can't be put into words.I want to make a time machine and go back in time.If it wasn't for this disease,not only I could enjoy falling in love but I also wouldn’t have to rely on anyone and live by myself.I really don't want to say things such as 'I want to go back to how things were before.'I recognize how I am right now, and I will continue to live on.Therefore I definitely won't run away.That's what I’ll do. Definitely, always.Even if it's like that, I still want to stay here,because this is the place where I am.If you look up at the sky after falling down the blue sky is also todaystretching limitlessly and smiles at me...I'm alive.People shouldn’t dwell on the past. It's enough to try your best in all that you're doing now.Reality is too cruel, too brutal.I don’t even have the rights to dream.As i think about the future, the tears will come out again."“Mom, can I get married?”Pls do give some comment after u see tis post^^...its a really really sad true story...

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